Sound Probe Sound Player 1.1 (25.07.97) ======================================= Introduction. ------------- Sound Player allows you to play sound samples created with Sound Probe. It uses the Sound Probe libraries allowing it to support all the audio options of Sound Probe. The SoundPlayer has been set-up to use the SoundProbe files from an assign called `SP16:' made to the drawer which contains SoundProbe and its files, and an extra `LIBS:' assign made to libraries drawer (`Libs/') of SoundProbe. CLI Arguments/WB ToolTypes. --------------------------- FILES/M,QUIET/S,AUDIO/K,STORAGE/K,FILETYPE/K,RATE/K/N,VOLUME/K/N,LOOPS/S, NOSEQUENCE/S,SOUNDFIRST/S,INFO/S,CACHE/K/N,ALPHASORT/S,PATTERN/K,PATH/K, SHUFFLE/S,AUDIOPATH/K,STORAGEPATH/K,LOADERSPATH/K,LIBSPATH/K,BUFFER/K, FASTCACHE/S,SIMPLERAW/S,EXTERNPLAYER/K,NOSYSTEM/S,BLANK/S,FAILCNT/K/N, EXTERNCOMMANDLINE/K,EXTERNREDIRECT/K,IGNORESPLIBS/S SoundPlayer supports pattern matching and also multiple file selections. It also offers commands for playing these in sequence or randomly. SoundPlayer Icon. ----------------- The SoundPlayer icon contains tooltypes which use the same names as the CLI arguments. When SoundPlayer is executed from the Workbench, these tooltypes will be read. CLI/Shell. ---------- If Sound Player is executed from the CLI/Shell it will read any arguments given in the command line. If no file(s) are given then the player will display a requester asking you to select the files you wish to play. e.g - SoundPlayer SP16:Samples/Lamb.IFF Sample Icons. ------------- If the sample file(s) have icons, then the tooltypes in each of these will specify the options that the sample should be played with. Arguments. ========== QUIET - Sound Player will not display any text about what it is doing. AUDIO - The FULL audio library name to use (e.g Amiga.spadlibrary). STORAGE - The FULL storage library name to use. FILETYPE - The FULL dosIO library name to try and load with. RATE - The rate to play the sample at. VOLUME - The volume to play the sample with as a percentage (0-100%). LOOPS - Loop each sample. NOSEQUENCE - Don't play any loop sequences. SOUNDFIRST - Play the whole sample before sequencing it. INFO - Display info about the sample. CACHE - Set the cache size in milliseconds (1000=1 second). ALPHASORT - Sort multiple files alphabetically. PATTERN - Pattern to pass to the file requester (if no files given). PATH - Path for the file requester to use. SHUFFLE - Play multiple files randomly. AUDIOPATH - Where to find the SP audio libraries. STORAGEPATH - Where to find the SP storage libraries. LOADERSPATH - Where to find the SP dosIO libraries. LIBSPATH - Where to find the main SP libraries. BUFFER - Name and path to use for virtual buffering (File storage). FASTCACHE - Only use fast RAM for the cache. SIMPLERAW - Play the files as 8 bit RAW. NOSYSTEM - Disable the system when playing. BLANK - Blank the display when playing (only if NOSYSTEM!). FAILCNT - Failure count, prevents the audio locking up the system (See SP User Manual). EXTERNPLAYER - Name to use for an external player (i.e - Multiview). EXTERNCOMMANDLINE - Command line to pass to external player. EXTERNREDIRECT - Input and Output redirect for external player. IGNORESPLIBS - Don't try and access SP libraries (only if RAW, or EXTERNAL). Bugs. ===== None known at this time. Changes. ======== 25.07.97 - At startup now checks for the assign "SP16:", if not available then it creates its own to it current path.